Post-Secondary Education Resources
- Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success is a curriculum developed by the Office of Disability Employment Policy focused on teaching “soft”–or workforce readiness–skills to youth. Created as an introduction to workplace interpersonal and professional skills, the curriculum is targeted toward youth ages 14 to 21 in both in-school and out-of-school environments. The basic structure of the program is composed of modular, hands-on, engaging activities that focus on six key skill areas: communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem-solving and critical thinking, and professionalism.
- Department of Energy site provides STEM resources for students, teachers, and the energy workforce.
- Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE) education and workforce development activities focused on further development and enhancement of workforce skills as well as engaging and inspiring the future workforce.
- Department of Energy site provides STEM resources for students, teachers and the energy workforce.
- OKCareerGuide.org
- OKcollegestart.org
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